07 - Classes and Object Oriented Programming
Don’t Panic!
Friends of mine who studied engineering used to complain about the idea of Object Oriented Programming (OOP) and that it is kind of hard to grasp. I can’t say anything about the programming language or the environment they had to learn in, but inside Unity this is actually rather simple. The thing is: We have been using Object Orientation all the time, you just didn’t realize it. Whenever we created a script, it started with the class
Keyword. We just ignored it was there. This keyword means we created a class each time. And classes become objects once they manifest themselves. This means, if you have heard bad things about OOP in the past: Don’t panic. We will just pull some strings together in this chapter.
Basics of Object Orientation
The most important idea of Object Orientated Programming (OOP) is to create clean, modular code which is easy to maintain. We group things in classes and objects which fit logically together and if everything goes well, we never have to touch that piece of code ever again. But if we have to go back in and change it, we have a file that is as small and clean as it can be. Thus we can do our modifications easily. It’s really important to understand: OOP is here to help.
Classes and Objects
In OOP we deal with classes and objects. Classes are the blueprints for Objects, or the idea what the object should be. As soon as we Instantiate it, the class becomes an object.
Let’s walk through this by example. But Cuboids really aren’t good practical examples for this. So as example in this chapter, we will focus on our spaceships.
Let’s assume we had spaceship manufacturing and our designer came up with a new concept for a spacehip. So they defined if it’s a cargo spaceship or a discovery spaceship. They also defined the colors, the customer could choose from. And of course how many jet engines you could have. All of this is the class, the idea of the spaceship. So we bring it into manufacturing - which would be our equivalent to instantiation - and out comes an object.
An Object is the actual version of the spaceship. You can’t select the color or colors anymore, because all the specifics have been defined during Instantiation. If you need a different spaceship, you will have to create a new spaceship - a new object - from the class.
Now classes can also define behaviour or methods. We probably want to be able to accelerate. We should also be able to decelerate, so we don’t crash right in to the next planet. We might even have some lights on there, so we can see at night. These actions are then defined as methods in the class, and can then be used by the object we created.
This idea of packing code together is called “Encapsulation” and is one of the three cornerstones of Object Oriented programming.
Encapsulation in short: Put all your code that logically belongs to one object - all it’s properties and all the methods - into one class. An example spaceship class could look like this, and you will see, this is exactly the same we did all the time.
using UnityEngine;
public class Spaceship : MonoBehaviour
public Color spaceshipColor = new Color(1,1,1);
public int price = 499;
private float currentSpeed = 0f;
private float acceleration = .1f;
private float deceleration = .25f;
private float maxSpeed = 10;
void Update()
private void HandleInput()
if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.A))
}else if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.S))
void Accelerate()
currentSpeed += acceleration * Time.deltaTime;
if (currentSpeed > maxSpeed)
currentSpeed = maxSpeed;
void Brake()
currentSpeed -= deceleration * Time.deltaTime;
if (currentSpeed < 0)
currentSpeed = 0;
void Move()
transform.Translate(Vector3.forward * currentSpeed);
Another concept is “Inheritance”. We have been using inheritance all the time as well:
public class MovingCuboid : MonoBehaviour
That :
right there indicated “Inheritance”. It means our class MovingCuboid Inherits from MonoBehaviour.
Inheritance means in short means, you can base classes on other classes.
To stay in our own little spaceship manufacturing shop, you could have a “base class” that holds all the code, that each and every spaceship has to have. This could be things like name, price or color. But this could also contain methods or behaviors every bike must know, like accelerating and braking. The class we have seen previously could be used as our base class.
But now we have different customers, with very different requirements. One is just expanding it’s interstellar cargo operation. So he fancies a large spaceship that is very efficient to maintain has great storage capacities. Our next customer is an security company and as such they are in dire need of some lasers on their ships. Thus they order some fighterships. Those two are spaceships with very different purposes, but both will end up having a name, a price and a color. Both will need to accelerate and decelerate and steer in some way or another. Both can inherit these base traits from our Spaceship class, so we don’t need to write that code twice. So we inherit Spaceship using :
// This code is more schematic, and not an actual implementation
public class CargoShip : Spaceship
public float maxloadCapacity = 10;
private bool cargoBayIsOpen = false;
public void openCargoBay()
if (cargoBayIsOpen)
cargoBayIsOpen = false;
cargoBayIsOpen = true;
As you can see, on this one, we don’t inherit from MonoBehaviour. We already did so in the base class, thus we don’t have to on the CargoShip class.
Now we could add this script to a cargo ship and it would have all the functionalities of a spaceship as well as the possibilities we added for a cargoship. The implementation for this is really not that sophisticated, but you get the basic idea.
This can be extremely helpful, as it shortens our code. It also helps us to avoid writing code all over again. It makes things easier and faster to write and to debug.
Also imagine you had a bug in your acceleration method and had to change it in each of the twenty different ships you offer. That would be tedious and also very prone to yet another error.
Polymorphism is the idea that things can be “many-shaped”. Therefore this fancy Greek word. And this is helpful in many ways. Consider this code:
private CargoShip myCargoShip = new CargoShip();
private FighterShip myFighterShip = new FighterShip();
As you can see, once we create our spaceships, they become two different types. But what if we would want to create a List or Array of all the spaceships we sold. We need to be able to keep track of that, right?
Polymorphism to the rescue. Thanks to polymorphism we can use the base class SpaceShip
as the class we consider to create a list of items sold.
List<Bike> MyShips = new List<SpaceShip>();
Polymorphism also means, that we can override some of the code we wrote in the base class in the child class. This can be useful if you have some code that you need for all your objects, but then there is this one spaceship that just needs this slightly different implementation. It would be really annoying to remove the code from the base class and put it in each child class. And it would also be bad practice to just create a new function that does exactly the same thing.
If you look at our base class again. We have that Acclerate()
method. If we were to create a fighterShip with some kind of boost mode, we would need be able change the way we accelerate right? Somehow this boost mode would need to change the way our acceleration works.
public class fighterShip : SpaceShip{
private bool boostEnabled = flase;
public void enableBoostMode(){
// Code for handling BoostMode
public override string Accelerate(){
// Code for implementation of Boost mode
As you can see we can simply override the original implementation.
Classes typically come with a constructor
. Constructors initialize the object you create and are typically called when you instantiate your object. Why typically? While they are very common in pure C# programming, they are less so in Unity. Unity relies on the Awake()
and Start()
methods for initialization of values. This at least is true for all classes that inherit from MonoBehaviour
and thus rely on Unity functionality. If you don’t need the Unity functionality, because you i.e. just use your class to store some data, then it’s actually no problem to make use of constructors.
Constructors them selves are actually rather simple to create. All you need to create is a method with the exact same name the class has:
public class Pet
public string name;
public int age;
public Pet(string petName, int petAge)
name = petName;
age = petAge;
As you can see, you can even pass arguments to this constructor the same way you would pass them to any other method. Now once you want to instantiate a new Pet you can simply pass name and age like this. A little gotcha is the public
. If you can’t access the constructor you have a problem. So remember to always have them public.
public class NoMonoTest : MonoBehaviour
private Pet myPet;
void Start()
myPet = new Pet("Frank", 6);
You can also access this data like you would with any other class we have be creating all along, it’s just the initialization that is a little different.